Senin, 18 November 2019
Daily Activity (English Version)
Tuesday, September 18 2019
Assalamualaikum wr.wb and also good afternoon this time I will recount my experience in making a legit layer, on this third day I will tell you again, hahhaha really my experience will not be forgotten, how difficult it is to make a legit layer cake, by looking at the layer layer legit.
the surface and the standard taste are the taste of the specimen or cinnamon spice ... on this third day our group's lapis is almost perfect but, the surface is, there are bubbles and a little burnt so the legit layer is very ugly, and I myself am not want to eat it ,, after that as usual, the legit layer is cut then divided, after that we do general cleaning and a few minutes later we immediately do online and get ready to go home
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