Thursday, October 3, 2019
Assalamualaikum wr.wb and also good afternoon, as usual I will tell you about my experience while in the kitchen, this time we will be working on preparing an ADH child, the cheese tarlet, which on Wednesday we have done it so tomorrow we will stay in plating and also in served, initially creme brulee, but because of that boredom - that's it then, be replaced with cheese tart so it looks cooler ... hehheheheheh ,,,,,,,,,,,,

Cheese tart also uses cheese, here we use cream cheese which tastes very delicious and also yummy of course ,, a mixture of pie dough and also cream cheese, eggs, fresh milk and most importantly vanilla, as an enhancer for cheese tart to make it more creamy and also yummy ... using a temperature of 200 degrees Celsius.
After we finished preparing, we stored the cheese tart in the refrigerator and tomorrow we coated it with refined sugar and also the slice of the cerry fruit, not long after that we did a general cleanind and a few minutes later, we did the oneline and also got ready to go home.
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