Selasa, 05 November 2019
Daily Activity (English Version)
Thursday, September 5, 2019
Assalamualaikum wr.wb and good afternoon this time as usual I will tell you my experience since I was in the kitchen, sorry for posting late because I was busy, sorry guys, hehehe ,, on the second day we were still learning to make layers again guys, , at first we prepared all the ingredients, starting from separating the egg yolks and the whites, slowly then slowly whipping the butter until it was really soft because when in the process, making it wrong the legit layers produced would be hard, or hard and not feasible. for consumption.
In making it using bain marie which on top of the surface of the cake must have a slightly brownish color and also not burnt for sure, hahhaahh after being bain marie, then removed and pressed using cake sterica, so that later the legit layer that we will produce has a layer which is flat and also not bumpy. and the results are not perfect anymore our legit layer guys are not ripe aka still raw and also still wet.
It takes the process of making a legit layer requires patience, because patience will not betray the results guys ... hahahahha .... right !!! a few hours later we did general cleaning and went online and got ready to go home.
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