Rabu, 04 April 2018
Projek kelompok 9 (English version)
Wednesday, April 4, 2018
Daily Activity :
Hayy, my guys with my friend in the morning will start our project that is, Make Risol skin from corn pulut, so first the corn is dried up for several days and must be completely dry after that corn is mashed until really smooth and become corn flour and after that I mix the eggs as much as two seeds into the corn flour and add a little salt and add fresh milk stir evenly using the balloon whisk and after that for the dough into two parts namely, salty and sweet dough.
So for the salty dough add the leaf of selery to the batter while for the sweet add sugar to taste and then stir well and I start make the skin of risol, first heat the pan with in the give a little oil and after the heat, put the skin dough risolnya, dry and afterwards reverse the side of the risol skin and if it is a little brownish the signature is ripe, and so on until finished and after finish I started to enter the stuffing that is, there are cabbage, carrots, tempe and chicken and then after the skin rollol risolnya neatly so on until finish.
And after finished risol skin that we had fill and then roll into the wheat flour past, eggs and the last flour panir do to finish and then heat the oil with a small fire and enter risol into cooking oil, fry until golden yellow and after that lift and drain then after that I start plating with tomato sauce then add a little petai, and after that we immediately do oneline after that, we immediately prepare for Indonesian food my group get soup, and after finished prepare I help group the other to make jalangkote after that we immediately do the general cleaning and get ready to go home.
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